The Martial Arts Academy
Release of Liability
I, , the undersigned, Parent/Guardian of named minor: , acknowledges that I have received, read, and agree to the General Policies of The Martial Arts Academy of Marin LLC, as written below. By entering in the prescribed course of instruction of all Martial studies and related practices, I/he/she will expose myself/himself/herself to a risk of personal injury, ranging from minor to major, arising out of possible negligence or unavoidable accident due to the nature of the physical art herein prescribed: by entering in upon said course of instruction, it is the student’s intention to knowingly and voluntarily assume such risk, and to hold The Martial Arts Academy of Marin LLC, it’s class instructor and students, affiliates, its landlord, its agents, and employees, free of liability for any injury sustained as a result of said course instruction.
General Membership Policies
Kids Summer Camp
All Summer Camp Fees must be paid in full by April 1st, 2025, after which all fees are non-refundable. Payments for the summer camp are non-transferrable and must be used by the student it was purchased for. If your child cannot attend no extensions or credit can be applied.
Any physical limitations, allergies, or injuries that would prevent your child from safely participating in the Summer Camp program must be fully disclosed to The Martial Arts Academy of Marin LLC. upon registration.
By signing this waiver, you agree to: NOT have your child attend the Summer Camp while sick, or carrying any form of communicable contagious diseases, such as Flu Virus, Cold Virus, Staph, or any other pathogen or disease not explicitly listed here that can be transmitted through physical contact, through the air or anything else of this kind of nature that is dangerous to another person.
Membership & Attendance
Any prepaid Membership Specials must be initiated within 30 days of initial payment date and sign up. No refunds can be given for expired or unused services.
It is the goal of The Martial Arts Academy to invest in each student in order for them to progress and reach their full potential in the martial arts. Our policy reflects this investment as such, and has been formed in a manner to encourage steady training and regular class attendance. Once you sign up for regular classes or private lessons at The Martial Arts Academy, it becomes a membership. This means that regular monthly class payments must be made on time in order to keep your membership account in good standing, whether you fully attend the month or not.
Additionally, all of the rules listed in our policies not only extend to all members of The Martial Arts Academy, they also apply to any supporting patrons or guardians who pay for a member’s tuition. Therefore, all parties and non-participating parties are bound to the rules and regulations listed in our Policies here.
Regular Class Memberships
The terms of Adult/Teen, or Kids Regular Class Membership is a 30 day month-to-month contract. Each time your membership is paid on the 1st of each month, your 30 Day Contract is automatically renewed. This will continue until the member wishes to deactivate their account and terminate their membership. Any sort of cancellation requires a 30 Day Notice in writing. It shall be done via email to admin@martialartsmarin.com If you do not have access to email, it must be written and turned in to the front desk in person. We do not accept any cancellations by text message or orally, and they will not be honored if they are given in this manner. Please keep this policy in mind. The Martial Arts Academy provides 30 Day Contracts for Regular Class Membership in order to give members flexibility in their lives. Please honor the policy rules.
Holdovers (skipping a month): The Academy does not allow people to skip payment in their membership. Once the membership is instated it must continue month to month until it is deactivated with a 30 day notice. Some examples of what will not be honored are as follows: “Sensei, I am going on vacation this month, so I can’t pay you until next month” or “Since I paid you for the previous month, and I didn’t attend, can I skip my payment for this month now that I have returned?”
The Martial Arts Academy cannot account for every individual member’s schedules or life choices. Therefore, each month of membership payments must be made on time, every month. No exceptions can be made.
Temporarily Idling your Account - **Kids Class Only**
Idling a membership account is only allowed for the Kids Class: Parents are allowed to idle their child’s membership with a 50% reduction of their monthly tuition, for 1 month per year during the summer months of July or August. This is allowed because many families go on vacation, put their kids in summer camps, or both. A 30 Day Notice is required in writing. Please plan ahead accordingly. It shall be done via email to admin@martialartsmarin.com If you do not have access to email, it must be written and turned in to the front desk in person. We do not accept any Temporary Idling of Accounts by text message or orally, and they will not be honored if they are given in this manner.
Cancellation Policy for Membership and Auto Pay Services
Please read this carefully, and plan accordingly:
To cancel class membership, regular private training lessons, or our autopay service, it is required to be submitted in writing 30 days in advance. Random opaque text messages do not qualify, it must be done through email or a written letter. Attempts to cancel on the eve of the next month before the next billing cycle will not be accepted. This policy is strictly enforced, no exceptions will be made.
Discrimination & Conduct
Discrimination or harassment of any kind against any race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation is not tolerated by The Martial Arts Academy. Derogatory remarks and jokes are not allowed. The Martial Arts Academy is not only a place for learning martial arts, it is a refuge for those who seek peace and safety, and come to learn to care for themselves and their fellow man/woman. It is a Zen Monastery as well, so behave as such when you attend classes. Conduct requirements are simple: Respect, Compassion & Gratitude. The true martial arts means chivalry. Conduct yourself accordingly. If an individual has improper conduct that violates the rules of The Martial Arts Academy of Marin LLC, or harasses anyone person in any way; by signing our waiver means you are: 1) Agreeing to ALL of our terms in our contract and 2) Hold yourself solely responsible for all of your conduct, and hold free The Martial Arts Academy of Marin LLC, it’s affiliates, its instructors, its owner, and landlords from any liability from any damages of any said or unsaid offenses, or actions.
Hygiene, Cleanliness Standards & Communicable Diseases, Including COVID-19
By signing this waiver, you agree to: NOT enter The Martial Arts Academy of Marin LLC while sick, or carrying any form of communicable contagious diseases, such as Flu Virus, Cold Virus, Staph, or any other pathogen or disease not explicitly listed here that can be transmitted through physical contact, through the air or anything else of this kind of nature that is dangerous to another person. If damages occur, and the individual knew of their condition, they assume and are liable for any damages that have occurred due to negligent conduct.
Finally, be clean when you arrive, meaning showered and presentable. This means that your uniform shall be freshly laundered and clean, and fingernails/toenails shall be trimmed and clean. Be respectful of your colleagues and the general public that visit our facility as potential students.
Excessive Aggression
While martial arts practices are historically known for improving one’s moral outlooks and social conduct, there are always a few individuals who are not suited to be trained. Occasionally and unfortunately, these individuals do make their way into all parts of our society. Conduct is most important when training in Martial Arts. While we, meaning all instructors and fellow members, do place an emphasis on pushing each other during training in order to better our techniques and endurance, there is a clear difference between that and unwanted violence or willful harm of others with no cause. Therefore, unwanted, or sudden outbursts of aggressive behavior, malice driven attacks, both verbal or physical with willful intent to knowingly harm any members, staff or associates of The Martial Arts Academy of Marin LLC will result in immediate expulsion from the Academy.
These rules extend to all members of The Martial Arts Academy, or any supporting patrons or guardians who pay for a member’s tuition. In these cases, any remaining paid monthly tuition will not be refunded. Remember: Respect, Compassion & Gratitude are the rules of the Academy. Conduct yourself accordingly.
Destruction of Property
Intentional or Unintentional Destruction of property that belongs to The Martial Arts Academy of Marin LLC will result in responsible parties being financially responsible for any repairs of property and premises. This includes and is not limited to walls, mirrors, plate glass windows, doors, and training gear such as striking pads, gloves, shin guards, punching bags, training mats, and any other items not explicitly listed.
Intellectual Property Agreement
All Martial Arts and related training, Exercise, Strength, and Philosophy training Content are Trademarks of our specific school. No current attending, or former student of The Martial Arts Academy of Marin LLC may teach or pass on any material learned at The Martial Arts Academy of Marin LLC for monetary, or non monetary gain without express written permission by The Martial Arts Academy of Marin LLC.
Online Reviews and Publishing Internal Content and Intellectual Property Online
All members agree upon the following:
Upon signing our waiver and agreement forms, you agree to not publish any content or lessons online or in any other public or private forum without the express written permission of The Martial Arts Academy of Marin LLC. To do so violates the Privacy and Intellectual Property Policies of The Martial Arts Academy of Marin LLC.
Further, should a negative experience occur in training or otherwise, you agree to internal arbitration, review, and conflict resolution before publishing any negative reviews online or any other forum about our lessons or experiences online, or in any other public or private forum without the express written permission of The Martial Arts Academy of Marin LLC. To do so violates the Privacy and Intellectual Property Policies of The Martial Arts Academy of Marin LLC. Should any untrue or intentionally damaging reviews be made on any public or private form, The Martial Arts Academy reserves the right to sue for financial damages made by any party that deliberately attempts to damage The Martial Arts Academy of Marin LLC’s reputation.
Privacy Policy
The Martial Arts Academy uses pictures and images taken of the class for our website and advertising purposes. The images are not used for any other purpose than the promotion of the business. The Martial Arts Academy takes your privacy concerns seriously. If any member has any objection of their image being used for such purposes, please submit it to The Martial Arts Academy in writing for our records.
All rights reserved. Payment, Privacy & Attendance Policies of The Martial Arts Academy of Marin LLC are subject to change without notice. Please note: all payments are final and non-refundable.
Thank you!!
The Martial Arts Academy